Great Cinema Critics Who Shaped Film Discourse


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Film criticism has long played a crucial role in shaping the way we perceive and appreciate movies. Throughout the history of cinema, there have been numerous influential and talented film critics who have provided insightful analysis, thought-provoking reviews, and meaningful commentary on the art of filmmaking. In this article, we celebrate twenty of the greatest cinema critics of all time and briefly explore their contributions to the field.

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert, widely regarded as one of the most influential film critics, was known for his accessible writing style and his ability to connect with a broad audience. His reviews were thoughtful, fair, and highly respected. Ebert co-hosted the popular TV show “Siskel & Ebert” and was the first film critic to win the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism.


Roger Ebert Great Cinema Critics
Leonard Maltin

Leonard Maltin is a renowned film critic known for his comprehensive movie guides and his encyclopedic knowledge of cinema. As one of the best film critics of all time, His reviews and recommendations have helped countless film enthusiasts discover new and classic movies. Maltin’s name has become synonymous with film criticism and his work continues to be highly regarded. June Foray Award (2002), Inkpot Award (2013) were the awards he won during his professional career.

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Leonard Maltin
Gene Siskel

Gene Siskel, along with Roger Ebert, formed one of the most iconic duos in film criticism history. Their television show “Siskel & Ebert” popularized the “thumbs up, thumbs down” rating system and brought film criticism into the mainstream. Siskel was known for his insightful analysis and his passion for cinema.

Gene Siskel

Richard Roeper

Richard Roeper, a successor to Gene Siskel on “Siskel & Ebert,” continued the tradition of engaging and thoughtful film criticism. His reviews were known for their clarity and his ability to provide valuable perspectives on a wide range of movies. Why we plave him in film critics top ten? Roeper’s work has made him one of the most respected film critics of his generation.

Richard Roeper
Jeremy Jahns

Jeremy Jahns is a popular film critic on YouTube, where he shares his entertaining and insightful reviews. With a passionate and relatable approach, he has gained a massive following and has become one of the most influential online film critics.

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Jeremy Jahns
Justin Chang

Justin Chang is the chief film critic for the Los Angeles Times, known for his eloquent and perceptive writing. His reviews often delve deep into the artistic and cultural significance of films, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the medium.

Justin Chang
Bilge Ebiri

Bilge Ebiri, a film critic for Vulture, is celebrated for his incisive analysis and his ability to uncover hidden gems in cinema. His reviews and essays offer a fresh and thoughtful perspective, making him a trusted voice among cinephiles.

Bilge Ebiri
Angelica Jade Bastien

Angelica Jade Bastien’s film criticism stands out for its thought-provoking exploration of social and cultural themes in movies. Her work, published in various outlets, challenges conventional perspectives and sheds light on the complex dynamics within cinema.

Angelica Jade Bastien

Matt Zoller Seitz

Matt Zoller Seitz is a film critic and author known for his deep dives into film analysis. His writings often explore the visual and thematic aspects of movies, providing readers with a richer understanding of filmmaking techniques.


AA Dowd

AA Dowd, is one of the chief film critic for The A.V. Club, is recognized for his sharp and perceptive reviews. Dowd’s writing combines insightful analysis with a touch of humor, making his reviews engaging and enjoyable to read. He is now active on platform X (Twitter) and attracts you with his views.


Katie Rife

She is a freelance writer and critic, has established herself as an expert in genre cinema. Her career includes notable positions such as News Editor of The A.V. Club from 2014 to 2019 and Senior Editor from 2019 to 2022. Currently, she contributes film-related articles to esteemed publications like Vulture, Rolling Stone, Indiewire, Polygon, and Maybe we could find her in future famous movie critics


These great cinema critics have left an indelible mark on the world of film criticism. Through their insightful analysis, thoughtful reviews, and passion for the art of cinema, they have shaped the way we perceive and appreciate movies. Whether through traditional print media, television shows, or online platforms, their contributions continue to influence and inspire film enthusiasts around the globe.
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